Repayment calculator

Use our calculator to get an idea of what your repayments could be.
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Your repayment estimate
Total Interest - 0%
Total payment
Total monthly payment
*Calculations are for informational purposes only, are not forecasts and are not to be used as financial advice. ThinkCap is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of using this information.

Commercial lending solutions

We have a wide range of commercial lending solutions that can help you bridge the gaps in expenditure or grow your business, your way.

Truck, Trailer & Vehicle Finance Blue Icon

Vehicle, truck & fleet

Machinery & Equipment Finance Blue Icon

Machinery & equipment finance

Business & Commercial Finance Blue Icon

Trade, debtor & invoice finance

Working Capital, Credit & Overdrafts BlueIcon

Working capital, credit & overdrafts

Caveat & Second Mortgages Blue Icon

Caveat & second mortgages

Ready to get 

We can work together to solve your immediate financial needs while guiding your business towards a stronger financial future. Get started by applying now.

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